Like my last post. This is something different. Expand your music horizons people! haha na all kidding aside. This is my first post in a while, ive been busy Dj'ing and all that Jazz, there are many many more posts on the way rest assured, i just havnt had time to really post much. This remix features Lil Waynes well known "A Millie" acapella over another hit track from the well known group The Justice. I created this cuz of the great feedback recieved from "The Coolest JUstice remix" Well check it out, i present this as "A Millie Justice Remix" Enjoy
Whatsup people; i use this blog-site to display all my latest tracks, remixs, & mixes. Ive been djing for many years and producing for a few. Hope you enjoy.
AIM: Djminimaxx
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